Hi, I'm Quinley!
You can call me Quin. And I'm so glad you're here!
I've been an avid reader since I learned how, at a freakishly young age. And my series obsession began with the Paddington books by Michael Bond.
Sundays were big reading days in our house. Three of four family members would curl up with books somewhere in our suburban colonial while the smell of pot roast filled the air. My dad would doze in his blue recliner (but claim he was "just resting his eyes") to the melodic hum of TV golf announcers. Looking back now, that was my first haven.
Then, from reading came writing.
First poetry and stories and homemade cards, then long-winded term papers and journal, journals, journals.
And then...greeting cards. A TON of greeting cards. Like 20,000. Not kidding. I had decided at age ten that's what I wanted to write for a living, and found a way to get hired by one of the big'uns a few years after college. Wrote cards professionally for over two decades.
You've probably even bought a few.
But always, there was a novel in the works.
I have no less than ten started somewhere. And one 90% done.
But when the pandemic hit, I just couldn't finish it. The crowded beach bar scenes felt germy, and sweaty, and unrealistic. Right now, anyway.
I write contemporary fiction. And "contemporary" now means a world with a deadly virus on the loose. I wanted to write a book that acknowledged that reality, but also gave people a haven from this crazy storm.
And so...Haven-on-the-Lake was born.
I'm not gonna lie, I became big-time obsessed with this sweet little island and couldn't wait to go there every day, which is why I wrote this book faster than anything ever. And then another, and another and another.
I couldn't wait to see how the stories turned out.
And I fell in love the characters.
And the island.
And the whole dang series.
And now I'm SO happy to share this world with you.
Hope you love it as much as I do.
Welcome to Haven!